Integrating acupuncture with conventional physical therapy and work hardening has been both a medical and financial success for Good Samaritan Occupational Health Services in Avon, MA.
After months of gloom and doom surrounding the 75% rule and the draft Local Medicare Review Policies on inpatient rehabilitation admission, rehab advocates say they finally see a glimmer of hope. Not a big bucket of sunshine the 75% rule and the draft LMRPs still are on the table but a welcome ray of hope, nonetheless.
In teaching health care providers how to care for patients at the end of life, many institutions forget to teach providers that they need to care for themselves as well.
Any perception of how hospices are faring these days depends on whom you ask. Someone who works at a small hospice may say his or her hospice is having a tougher time than a large hospice is. Staffers at rural hospices may say theyre hoeing a tougher row than their metropolitan counterparts. But there is one segment of the hospice population that seems more optimistic than the rest of the industry: for-profit hospices.
In a collective effort from the tumor registries of 4 academic centers, Huh and colleagues accessioned cases of uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC), which, following comprehensive surgical staging, were identified with disease limited to the uterine corpussurgical stage I.
Kahn and colleagues preformed a randomized trial of CPB vs off-pump coronary artery surgery in 104 patients with multivessel disease; Cavendish and associates report on 5 cases in which the Symmetry Bypass Connector was used, who developed acute coronary syndromes 2-5 months after surgery.
The risk of new AF or HF in subjects older than 65 with echocardiographic evidence of abnormal relaxation increased linearly with the degree of LA enlargement.